In accordance with Volume 3A, Title 15.2, Counties, Cities and Towns, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices so requiring, and pursuant to §15.2-107, §15.2-2204, §15.2-2285, §15.2-2310, and §15.2-4307, the Nelson County Planning Commission hereby gives notice that a Public Hearing will start at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 26th at the General District Courtroom on the third floor of the Nelson County Courthouse located at 84 Courthouse Square, Lovingston, for the following:

Public Hearings

  1. Special Use Permit #24-0014 – Large Solar Energy System

Consideration of a Special Use Permit application requesting County approval to allow a Large Solar Energy System on two adjacent properties zoned A-1 Agricultural. The applicant is Wild Rose Solar Project, LLC, a subsidiary of Savion, LLC. The two (2) subject parcels included in this Special Use Permit application total 4646.8 acres. The Project is sited on a portion of the subject parcels that totals approximately 2470 acres (“Project Limits”). Within the Project Limits, the footprint of the proposed infrastructure or “Project Footprint” will cover approximately 550 acres. The subject properties are located at Tax Map Parcels #97-1-9 (4599.4 acres owned by Weyerhaeuser Company) and #97-A-29 (47.4 acres owned by Joe & Bobby Hickey) in the Gladstone area.

Following these public hearings, the Planning Commission may vote to forward the applications to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) (with a recommendation for approval; a recommendation for approval with recommended conditions; or a recommendation for denial) for action by the Board.

Copies of the above files are available for review in the Dept. of Planning & Zoning office, 80 Front Street, Lovingston, Virginia, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Telephone inquiries may also be directed to the Dept. of Planning & Zoning, (434) 263-7090, or toll free at 888-662-9400, selections 4 and 1. Nelson County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to its programs and activities. Accommodation will be made for handicapped persons upon advance request.